Watch : Video of people looting a Shoprite truck leaves SA disappointed

South Africans were left speechless and embarassed as footage of people looting a Shoprite truck emerged online.

According to the post shared by Blessing Ramoba Blog on Facebook it is said that the incident took place in KZN.
In the clip a huge crowd is seen looting a Shoprite truck which is standing on a road , the crowd was then dispersed by what looks like Private security in a car firing shots.
Watch the clip Below.

Saffas had a lot to say with some saying that they are so embarassed and some Blaming this on the ruling party.

Itu Jazzfundi said “embarassing situation”.

Maphaladi phaks Ngoasheng Said “the next thing they’ll be blaming Ramaphosa“.


southafrica #Kzn #embarrassed

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