Live Blog: South African parliament building is on fire

The South African Old Assembly Building in Cape town is on fire . 36 Fire fighters are fighting the blaze .
There are currently no reports on what started the fire .
Public Works Minister Patricia de Lille has called on the citizens to keep calm and also mentioned that the National Assembly Building is not on fire but it will be affected by smoke from the blaze as winds are blowing in the direction of the building .
We hope that the fire is contained and that there is minimum damage .
Update: The fire that was that was burning the National council of provinces has been put out .

The fire is now burning the National Assembly business .

One thought on “Live Blog: South African parliament building is on fire

  1. Gal Jerman December 13, 2022 at 8:32 am

    Top site ,.. amazaing post ! Just keep the work on !

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