Trio arrested for the bombing of a substation | Gauteng

Image: SAPS
Security guards and two other suspects have been arrested for the bombing of a sub-station ~Gauteng
The Gauteng Police arrested a security guard and two other suspects following the bombing of a municipal sub-station on 15 April 2022. The three suspects, two women aged 33 and the other one aged 51 as well as a 34-year-old man, were all arrested on 19 April 2022 in VanderbijlPark. They are to appear before the VanderbijlPark on 22 April 2022, on Friday. 
Apparently, the security guard who was on duty on the day of the incident, claimed that she opened the gate for three men who said they were  employed to work on the substation. Soon after she let them in, the sound of an explosion of a sub-station caught her attention and when she went to check, she discovered that it had been bombed. 
A thorough investigation conducted by the police led to the arrest of the security guard and two other suspects. The police are still searching for the two other suspects that are still at large. 
#SAPS #Bombing

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