Police seek information on perpetrators after three victims were assaulted. ~Limpopo

Image: SAPS 
Police seek information about perpetrators after three victims were severely assaulted. ~Mpumalanga

It is said that the Police in Vuwani are accepting leads that can lead them to catching the vigilante suspects who severely assaulted three people and burnt motorcars at Ha-Mangilasi on 13 April 2022, Wednesday in the afternoon at approximately 18:15. 
The police responded to the urgent call of the community members when they reported a group of people attacking three men after they were accused of stealing batteries from a TLB machine. The police managed to save the attacked people(the suspects) who were already severely wounded from the angry mob’s attacks. They were safely transported to the hospital and they are under police guard. 
Cases of theft and pointing of firearms have been opened against the three suspects and they are expected to appear before the Vuwani Magistrate’s Court once they have healed. 
No arrests have been made yet with the mob attackers. Police appeal to anyone who has information to come forward or to contact the crime stop number 08600 10111. 
The investigations are still following. 
#CrimeStop #SAPS #ReportCrime #MobJustice

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