6 year old reunited with mother after getting lost

A lost child has been united with Mother ~KZN

Image: RUSA

A six-year-old was found being led away from her school by a strange man, but fortunately, she was found and reunited with her mother. 
This morning, a resident in Oleander Road in Mt View called Reaction Units South Africa(RUSA) after he found a child outside his home.
The child was left on the roadside by a male who later returned to claim the child from the homeowner. When the homeowner questioned the male, it was established that he did not know the child, therefore, the RUSA operations Center was contacted. 
A female officer then arrived at the scene and upon interviewing the child, it was established that the child arrived at school but found that the school was closed. She then sat outside the premises as she did not remember her home address. Just then, an unknown male assisted to help her find her home if she were to follow him. The child eventually refused to follow him. 
Reaction Officers located the child’s home in Buffelsdraai and reunited her with her mother. 
#Lost Child  #RUSA   #Kidnapping

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