A stepfather who killed his stepson was handed 15 years imprisonment

*Stepfather sentenced for the killing of his stepson*

image: Istock

A 35-year-old Aubrey Nel who killed his stepson has been handed a 15 years sentence in the Philipstown Regional court. 

It is said that on 23 April 2021 Aubrey Nel had an alallrcation with his stepson (Duwayne Syners) which resulted in the fatal stabbing of the teen.

It is said that the incident took place in Riemvasmak, Philipstown, and the accused was immediately arrested and was kept in custody until the day of his sentencing (12 April 2022).

“The Pixley Ka Seme Cluster Commander, Brigadier Nomana Adonis lauded the investigating officer, Detective Constable Herald Saunders for his meticulous investigation that led to the incarceration of the accused”.

#Hotspotnews #Stepfather #Stepson

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