Zimbabwean woman raped in verulam- KZN

image:RUSA the victim is seen telling RUSA members what transpired.

A 24-year-old Zimbabwean woman was raped by a man who accosted her as she left her cellphone at a shop on Wick Street, Verulam on Saturday afternoon
According to the victim, she boarded a taxi from her home to Verulam Central business District to repair her cellphone.
As the Woman was exiting the store she was then accosted by an unknown male who brought out a knife and asked her to walk with him. He then threatened to stand her if she brought any attention to them.

He led her down Thompson lane where he asked her to remove her clothes and then preceded with raping her and Robbing her out of R400 and her cellphone when he was done.
As the male was about to leave a female approached them and spoke to the suspect before turning to the victim and telling her that if she reported the rape to law enforcement they would track her down and kill her.

The female then handed the victim R100 which she took from the suspect and told her to leave.
According to what The victim told RUSA officers she believes that the female was a Sex worker and then provided a description of the rapist and female who made threats to RUSA members.

Image: RUSA members are seen questioning the female who was involved in the incident.

Reaction Unit South Africa (RUSA) Officers then patrolled the Verulam CBD and managed to locate the female matching the description who then denied the incident when questioned about it. After further questioning, it was then that the female revealed that the rapist was her ex-boyfriend and she confirmed that she was indeed a sex worker but said she didn’t know the whereabouts of the suspect.

The female has since been arrested and handed over to saps and the search for the suspect is still ongoing.

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