Baby Nadia sold – KZN

Baby Nadia Veerasamy (pictured) aged 14 months is believed to have been sold to a wealthy South African family.

This is according to the grandfather of the missing child who arrived at Reaction Unit South Africa (RUSA) this morning (Wednesday 16/03/2022) at 08:44. The 59-year-old man contacted the RUSA Operations Center after failed attempts to locate his missing granddaughter.

When Reaction Officers interviewed the man he became emotional and explained that his daughter (34) left home 14 years ago after she began drinking & partying excessively. She then became drug-addicted. She returned a year later and concealed the birth of a newborn baby from her family.

The child was left with neighbours who lived meters away from the grandparent’s home. According to the grandfather, he was then informed by his neighbour that the child that was abandoned by the community was his grandchild. The grandparents took the child in and cared for him after receiving authority from Child Welfare. The father of the child remained unknown and the grandparents received no financial aid. The mother once again disappeared and did not return. The boy is now 14 years old and has a speech impediment.

The elderly male further explained that his daughter returned home two years ago and after a short while relocated to Isipingo – KZN where she once again began abusing drugs & alcohol. While living with her maternal aunt she once again fell pregnant. She gave birth to a baby girl named Nadia in early 2021. She then abandoned her child with her 70-year-old aunt and was not seen date.

When the aunt passed on in January 2022, the grandfather fetched the baby and registered her on his surname. He once again received permission from Child Welfare to care for the child and Baby Nadia remained in the care of the immediate family for the past two months after her grandmother passed on.

Two weeks ago (March 2022) whilst at a family get together at his residence in Mount Vernon, KZN a known tow truck operator arrived at the home seated at the rear of a silver new model Mercedes-Benz. The tow truck operator alighted from the vehicle, approached the family and requested to see the baby as prearranged with the uncle of the child (mother’s brother). The grandfather said he called his son and a telephonic argument broke out. During this argument, an Indian couple got off the Mercedes-Benz and approached them requesting only to view the child. The tow truck operator intervened and hastily left the yard with the couple.

On Saturday (05/03/2022), Baby Nadia was in the care of her mom’s sister living in Dawncrest – KZN. At approximately 22:30 her uncle arrived at the home unannounced and removed Baby Nadia and her belongings. Her birth certificate was also taken. She has not been seen since. The grandfather believes that she was taken away in the silver Mercedes-Benz as his son does not own a vehicle and he has received payment from the wealthy couple to have the baby delivered to them. He further added that the couple had attempted to view the baby five (5) days prior to her disappearance. When he made contact with his son he was informed that the baby was in Port Shepstone, KZN and he would return with her on his birthday in a few weeks. The grandfather and immediate family made numerous attempts to speak to the child however the uncle provided excuses on every occasion. He eventually blocked all families on social media platforms and he & the baby have not been heard off since. Therd off since.

The grandfather believes that Baby Nadia has been sold and the family is concerned that the child is not receiving proper care as they were not consulted with regards to her existing medical condition. The family wants to send a message via this platform that Baby Nadia suffers from Epilepsy and requires special care and drinks only Infacare Stage 3 formula. Nadia’s father is unknown and attempts to locate her mother was unsuccessful.

Reaction Unit South Africa (RUSA) is currently searching for Baby Nadia. If you have information on her whereabouts call the Operations Center on 086 1234 333 or Vinod Singh 0731732409 / Prem Balram 0721706100.

All information will be treated with the strictest of confidence.

Story Reposted from Reaction Unit South Africa 

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