“The cat’s out of the bag” South Africans react to a girl who smuggled in a cat to school | video

A young primary school girl left South Africans laughing out loud as a video as a video shared by Laughter.mr on Facebook showed a girl who managed to bring in her pet cat to school without the teacher even knowing it.

One of the girls class mate is heard saying “hey Wena seliphumile I Kati” which translates to “hey the cat’s out of the bag” it is when the teacher notices and instructs the girl to put back the cat back into her backpack and then asks whether she is crazy and how could she bring her cat to school.
What makes this funny is the fact that she kept calm the whole time and hit her classmate’s hand when he tried to pull out the cat.
Watch the video below 

Facebookers had a lot to say regarding this and here are some of the comments we got from the post posted by laughter.mr on Facebook 

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