Another milestone for Amakhosi family

The 7th January is a special day for Amakhosi as they celebrate their birthday.

Today Amakhosi family is celebrating 54th years since the team was founded in the streets of Phefeni in Soweto, after the return of Kaizer Motaung from America were he played for Atlanta Chiefs.

His return made him to assemble dedicated male who gave their best on the field of play and ended up winning trophies for him.

Chiefs is now the biggest team in Africa and it has been dominant througout this year’s.

But their 54th celebration will be something that the team might need to evaluate itself because it has been now 10 years since the team has not won any domestic tittle.

The fans had been expressing their emotions all this year’s trying to find a solution but none has happened as they keep loosing every trophy coming on their way.

But 2024 might be the year that Chiefs reedems itself from the embarrassment that they have through were some of their key players have been found drunked at training.

Amakhosi is the most supported team in the country and they have to do everything in their power, to win trophies so that they can make their fans happy.


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