Apostle and co-accused due in court for human-tracking ~Eastern Cape

Image: SAPS
Apostle and co-accused due in court for human-tracking. 

In the Eastern Cape Province, Apostle Lonwabo Nicholas Tede(52) along with, Vuyolwethu Namba(37) and another 39-year-old male appeared in Zwelitsha Magistrate’s Court for allegations of traficking in persons today. 
It is alleged that during the period between 2005 and 2020, Tede as an Apostle in a Zion church in Quzini Village in the outskirts of King William’s Town had been sexually abusing his vulnerable congregants. The Apostle accommodated them in the name of healing the sick and providing for the needy. 
The matter was reported to the Trafficking in person’s desk of East London based Serious Organised Crime Investigation fir probing. Investigations showed allegations of Namba being the middle man in orchestrating the recruitment of would-be victims.
The duo was arrested on 13 November 2021. They were denied bail several times with the last instance being the 22 March 2022. They attempted to approach the High Court but their appeal was dismissed. 
The Apostle will appear with his original accomplice along with the 39-year-old suspect who is also implicated. He is said to have been responsible for ensuring that the victims were responsible for building the mansion of the Apostle without getting paid. The appearances of tge trio is a further attempt on bail application. 
#SAPS #Traficking #Human-traficking

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