Jacob Zuma backs Vladimir Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine

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South Africa’s former president Jacob Zuma has shown full support for Vladimir Putin and says that he is a man of peace.

In the statement he says that “Putin has been very patient with western forces and very clear about his opposition of the eastern expansion of North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) into Ukraine Among other Areas”.
The statement also mentioned that if global forces known to be hostile to the United States of America were known to be establishing presence of any sort in any of the adjacent territories within the USA The USA would react the same way.
The statement furthermore said that some of the western countries playing holier than thou have also invaded a few small countries and came in support of Ukraine to further their own interests at the expense of Innocent lives and property in Ukraine.
Read the full Statement below

#JacobZuma #JacobZumaFoundatiom #Ukraine #Russia #War 

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